Grease2020 - Upcoming school musical 

An English School production - 15 February 2020

Music and Musical Theatre has long been a treasured tradition at The English School, and this year we are excited to announce that the hit musical Grease is returning to the school 15 years after the original unforgettable production in 2005.

The story of Grease is well-known – especially to those who have seen the 1978 film version with John Travolta and Olivia Newton John. The whole cast sings and dances around the romance of hotrodding gang member Danny Zuko and the sweet new girl in town, Sandy Dumbrowski, through hit songs such as "You’re the one that I want'" and "We Go Together”.

The production includes a cast and crew of over 40 students, all buzzing with energy and anticipation for the event. The musical also features a live band who play every note of the show’s multiple electrifying numbers, including "Greased Lightnin" and ‘’Born to Handjive’’. Grease is among the world’s most popular musicals and has a cult-like following, especially among teens of all ages!

The production will be on Saturday 15th February only, at the newly renovated Nicosia Municipal Theatre, with 2 performances, a matinee at 3:00 p.m. and an evening performance at 8:00 p.m.

Tickets for the matinee performance will only be available at school and for the evening performance at school and

Sales start on Wednesday 22nd January